Danielle Groleau

Danielle Groleau


Danielle Groleau, PhD

Researcher, Lady Davis Institute, Jewish General Hospital

514-340-8222 ext. 3989

Research Interests

Dr. Groleau is a medical anthropologist who specializes in qualitative research. She studies health behaviours that have implications for public health programming, clinical communication and health policy.
Current research interests include psychocultural determinants of low breastfeeding rates among vulnerable social and clinical populations, evaluation of national breastfeeding policy, development and evaluation of a communication tool that implements a person centered approach in clinical context.
Dr. Groleau has developed and is presently working on innovative strategies for knowledge translation to both the professional and lay communities via documentary film and fiction writing.
Dr. Groleau is available to supervise graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.

Selected Publications

2012 Groleau, D., Sibeko, L. Infant feeding in the margins: navigating through the conflicts of social and moral order. Beyond Health, Beyond Choice. Breastfeeding Constraints and Realities. Chap 17: 203-214. Eds. M. Labbok, P. H. Smith, B. Haussman. Rutgers University Press.

2010 Groleau, D., Lespérance, F., Whitley, R., Kirmayer, L.J., Spiritual Reconfiguration of Self After a Myocardial Infarction: influence of culture and place. Health & Place, 16: 853-860.

2009 Groleau, D., Rodriguez, C. Breastfeeding and poverty : Negotiating cultural change and symbolic capital of motherhood in Québec, Canada. pp. 80-98. In Eds. Dykes F & Hall Moran V (2009) Infant and Yound Child Feeding: Challenges to implementing a Global Strategy. Pages 240. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford.

2009 Groleau, D., Cabral, I.E., Zelkowitz, P. Enhancing generalizabiity : moving from an intimate to a political voice. Qualitative Health Research. Vol.9 Num. 3: 416-26.

2009 Groleau D., & Cabral, I.E. Reconfigurating Insufficient breastmilk as a sociosomatic problem: mothers of premature babies using the Kangaroo Method in Brazil. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 5: 10-24.

2006 Groleau, D., Kirmayer, L.J., & Young, A. The McGill Illness Narrative Interview (MINI): An interview schedule to explore different meanings and modes of reasoning related to illness experience. Transcultural Psychiatry 43(4): 697-717.



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