End of life care in MSICU

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we are unable to save your loved one and our goals of care change to include a palliative approach. In these circumstances, the team continues to provide the patient interventions to lessen distressing symptoms, minimize suffering and maintain dignity during the dying process. The MSICU team is available to provide support throughout the grieving process while in the MSICU.  A Palliative care team is available for consultation and act closely with all team members in the MSICU. Patients may also request information regarding  Medical Aid in Dying.

Additional information regarding bereavement resources can be found in the MSICU family room. 

Organ and Tissue Donation

Donating organs and tissues upon death is a gesture of generosity that may save up to 8 lives and restore health to 20 other people. The JGH values offering the option of organ and tissue donation to families of the deceased. Though not everyone is a potential organ donor, most individuals may donate tissue following their death. 

Talking about one’s eventual death can be difficult. Perhaps conversation regarding organ and tissue donation has already taken place with your loved one. If not, this is an important discussion that can take place while your loved one is in the MSICU. The MSICU team is available to assist you in supporting your loved ones wishes. 

For more information, you may speak with your health care team, contact the Liaison Nurse in organ and tissue donation at 514-340-8222 extension 26866, or consult the resources in the back of this guide. 

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