
How to reach us

Dr. Frisch and Dr. Sabbagh
514 340-8222, ext. 24246

Dr. Nessim and Dr. Blum
514 340-8222, ext. 24249

Dr. Lipman
514 340-8229

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Where to find us

Pavilion D, D-070, Main floor (RC)

  • Enter from the Légaré entrance (5757 Rue Légaré)
  • Walk down the hallway to Pavilion E
  • Take the Pavilion E elevators up to the RC floor
  • Turn right and walk down the hall to room D-070 


Nephrology is the science that deals with kidney function and disease. The JGH Division of Nephrology treats patients with problems ranging from kidney stones and complicated hypertension to acute or chronic kidney failure.

Patients with advanced renal failure require life-saving dialysis treatments. Both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis modalities are employed in the Division of Nephrology. Hemodialysis uses highly specialized machines and filters to remove the toxins that build up in the bloodstream in the absence of normal kidney function.

The Hemodialysis Unit uses a multi-disciplinary approach that provides intensive, compassionate care and close monitoring, with a ratio of one nurse for every three patients. Close observation is absolutely essential because many patients have co-existing cardiac and vascular conditions that predispose them to sudden drops in blood pressure during their treatments.

The Peritoneal Dialysis Unit offers patients home dialysis using special dialysis solutions that are cycled through the abdominal cavity. Here the patients have more direct control over, and responsibility for, their treatments.

Under the direction of Head Nurse Monica Pacheco, nurses receive specialized training that focuses on the complex technology involved, as well as the psychosocial component of helping patients and their families adjust to dialysis treatment. A dietitian works closely with patients and their families, as patients with kidney failure must restrict their intake of fluids, potassium and protein.


  • Hemodialysis
  • Peritoneal dialysis


Dr. Mark Lipman

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