Cancer Nutrition Rehabilitation Program

How to reach us

Phone: (514) 340-8222 x 23150 

Fax: 514-340-8738 

Where to find us

Pavilion E, room E-809

Donate to the program

The McGill Cancer Nutrition Rehabilitation Program is a highly innovative program which was initiated in 2002 by Dr. Neil MacDonald, through the McGill University, Department of Oncology. The Program, which has clinics at both the Segal Cancer Centre and the Royal Victoria Hospital, combines both nutritional counseling and physical rehabilitation to help combat the symptoms of poor appetite, weight loss, diminished function and fatigue which are common problems associated with cancer.

Read the  CNR brochure.

Segal Cancer Centre Clinic

Two half-day clinics are held each week. The majority of patients seen are those with lung or gastrointestinal cancers referred by their treating oncologists, but increasing numbers of patients are now being seen who have other malignancies. Prior to their first visit, each patient has a structured interview with the inter-professional coordinator, and any problems identified as urgent are communicated to the relevant team professional. Patients are asked to self-report on their level and sources of distress using a standard assessment tool, as well as complete two symptom questionnaires, one for physical and psychological symptoms and the other on nutritional status. The patient then sees the physician, nurse, dietitian, and physiotherapist who make an assessment and develop a collective plan tailored to the needs of that patient.

The plan may involve adjustments to diet including the use of specific nutritional supplements where necessary, and an individualized exercise program. The dietitians follow up with patients outside the clinic to reinforce nutritional advice, and physiotherapists supervise weekly or twice weekly exercise sessions in the Physiotherapy Department for patients who are able to begin exercise training. For other patients, advice is given on home physiotherapy programs suited for their general health and activity level. The nurse is also involved in patient follow up between clinic visits if needed, and may help to reinforce the clinical plan, to assist in managing symptoms, to connect to care and support services, and to liaise with other clinical treating teams. If required, patients may also be referred to the CNR Program’s psychologist, or social workers, the pain clinic or the palliative care teams after consultation with the primary oncology team.

Administrative information

Medical Director: Thomas Jagoe, MB BChir, PhD

Clinical Nurse Specialist: Monica Parmar, N., MSc(A)

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