Preparing for Your Admission


A member of your healthcare team will inform you of the date on which you are expected to be admitted to the hospital. Before being admitted, you must obtain a hospital card in either Room E-0014, near the Légaré Street entrance, between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or in the Admitting Office, in Room B-114.

If observant Jewish patients are brought to the hospital in an emergency on the Sabbath or on a Jewish festival, they will not be compelled to sign an admission form, since this would violate their religious practices. Instead, they can make an oral statement of consent in the presence of a witness. However, due to the heavy demand for hospital beds, it may be necessary to discharge observant Jewish patients from their rooms before the end of the Sabbath or the end of a Jewish festival. In this case, patients will be given a comfortable place to wait for the Sabbath or festival to end. 

Observant Jewish patients also have the right to receive medical attention at all times, even if they choose to wait until the end of the Sabbath or a festival before making any payments that would normally be required. 

Medicare coverage

You are entitled to medical services only after presenting a valid card issued by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec. If you are not a resident of Quebec, or if your card is not valid (past the expiry date), you will be asked to arrange payment before you are admitted. If you require further information, please inquire at the Patient Accounts Office.

For more details about fees for medical services, please consult this page.


Visiting hours are based on the needs and comfort of the patients. We strongly request visitors to observe the following rules: 

Visiting hours vary from floor to floor. For details about the floor you plan to visiting, please check with the nursing staff.
Only two people may visit a patient at a time.
Visitors must not congregate in the corridors. Please use the comfortable waiting rooms or lounge areas on each floor.
Visitors must leave the patient's room at the end of the visiting hours or at any other time, if requested to do so by hospital personnel.
Children under the age of 16 are not permitted on patients' floors, with the exception of the Maternal-Child health unit.

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