In order to provide quality care in the safest possible environment, please visit Patient Information page before your visit.
This Patient Guide is designed to maximize the quality of your care by offering you and your family a comprehensive guide to the Jewish General Hospital. In this publication, you will discover how you can get the most out of the innovative services, programs and policies that have made the JGH one of the most renowned healthcare institutions in this province.
Revolving doors
If you or someone you are accompanying has reduced mobility, please avoid using the revolving door when entering or exiting the hospital.
Instead, please use the manual or automatic doors on either side of the revolving door.
Extension numbers
All extension numbers at the Jewish General Hospital begin with a number 2.
Please dial the number 2 before all four digit extensions found in this guide.
For example: If you’d like to reach the Patient Accounts department you will dial 28241.
PDF version of Patient Guide
To pick up a copy, go to the JGH Admitting Office (B-114).
JGH Patient Guide (PDF, 1.79 MB)
Fees for medical services
For more details about fees for medical services, please consult this page.