Collection Policy

All materials* must meet the following criteria:

Meet the needs of our users

The information must be relevant to the care provided to patients and families by the hospital and it must support the needs of JGH clinics and departments.

Reliable and up-to-date

The information must have been reviewed and/or updated recently (ideally, within the last 5 years) and must cite its sources. It should be clear who wrote the information and possible to verify that they are a credible source (Does the author provide their credentials? Does the publisher have a good reputation?).

Support partnership

The information should support, not replace, the relationship that patients and their families /caregivers have with their health professionals.

Meet our standards for quality

The information should be well written and presented, without spelling mistakes and other errors.

Available in as many languages as possible

The information should be available in either French or English, as well as other languages when possible.


The information should be as easy-to-read as possible. Materials created by JGH health professionals and medical librarians must be edited for reading ease and be at a grade 6-8 level.

Websites are selected using the Health on the Net Foundation's  HonCode Principles
* Books in the Hope & Cope Collection are selected by Hope & Cope volunteers. For information about how they make their selection please call 514-340-8255.

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