
Disclaimer: This information should not be considered as medical advice. It is not to be used in place of a visit with a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional. If you have questions about your individual medical situation, please consult with your healthcare professional.

From the website of the Canadian Cancer Society (2023):

Lymphedema is swelling that happens when lymph can’t flow normally and builds up in the soft tissues of a limb. Lymphedema usually happens in parts of the body where lymph nodes have been removed or damaged by cancer treatment.

Lymph is a clear, yellowish fluid that contains nutrients, lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) and antibodies. Lymph travels throughout the body in lymph vessels. Lymph nodes sit along the lymph vessels. Their job is to filter the lymph.


Lymphedema Clinic - Segal Cancer Centre - Jewish General Hospital (Patients are referred to the clinic by their treating physician) 

 Information about Lymphedema - McGill Lymphedema Research Program 

 Understanding Lymphedema - Lymphedema Association of Quebec 

 Lymphedema - Government of Québec

 What is Lymphedema? - Canadian Lymphedema Framework

 Lymphedema - Canadian Society for Vascular Surgery

 Lymphedema (Swelling) in the Arm or Leg - BC Cancer Agency (BCCA)


 Lymphedema - MedlinePlus (US National Library of Medicine)

 Lymphedema - American Cancer Society

 Lymphedema and Cancer Treatment - (US National Cancer Institute)

 Lymphedema (PDQ®) -

 Lymphedema - (American Society of Clinical Oncology)

 Lymphedema - JAMA Oncology Patient Page

 Gynecological Cancer and Lymphedema - (University of Pennsylvania)

 Lymphedema - Mayo Clinic

 Lymphedema - Merck Manual


 Lymphoedema and Cancer - Cancer Research UK

 Lymphoedema - UK Macmillan Cancer Support

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