Medication and vacation

On vacation with medication 

JGH News, Summer 2011

Jetting away for a memorable vacation? Bon voyage! But before you head to the airport, why not take a moment to give your prescription drugs the same attention you give your passport and travellers’ cheques. After all, they’re your valuables, too.

  • Especially important is how your medication is packed, says Eva Cohen, Chief of the JGH Department of Pharmacy. Here’s how she suggests you prepare for your trip:
  • Always pack prescription drugs in your carry-on bag. That way, if your checked luggage is lost or delayed, you won’t have to worry about finding substitute drugs at a foreign pharmacy.
  • Keep medications in the containers they came in. In other words, don’t transfer your pills to an all-in-one travel kit. By keeping your drugs in their original containers, you’ll have a better sense of what you’ve got (and how much you’ve got left) during the rough and tumble of travelling.
  • Be sure to bring a few extra days’ worth. For instance, if you’re going away for 10 days, bring enough for 12. This will tide you over in case of unexpected delays or detours.
  • Bring a list of all of the medications you take, plus your doctor’s name. This will be a time-saver if you need a refill while abroad—and maybe even a life-saver in an emergency.

For more advice, speak with your healthcare provider or pharmacist. You can also visit  Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

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