Occupational Therapy Students

Every year, clinical training and supervision is provided to O.T. students from McGill University, Université de Montréal and other settings. Depending on the program they are assigned to, students will be asked to work in different settings: inpatient setting, day hospital, outpatient clinic, home care, school, daycare and kindergarten.

All services are offered in the context of an interdisciplinary team approach. Clinical teams usually include occupational therapists, nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, neuropsychologist, social workers, and nursing assistant. In child psychiatry, teams may also include teachers and child care educators.

Code of ethics

Students are expected to have a thorough knowledge of the Code of ethics of occupational therapists and to apply it to their practice. This document is available on the Ordre des Ergothérapeutes du Québec (OEQ) website ( http://www.oeq.org/)


Students should be aware that the Jewish General Hospital offers services in psychiatry to a majority of anglophones and allophones. Students need to be fluent enough in English to comprehend it, read it and speak it.

Most assessments done one-on-one and individual sessions are done in English except for the francophone clients. Reports and notes are usually written in English, to facilitate communication with the team although they can be written in French. Groups are run in English and most interdisciplinary and ocupational therapy meetings are held in English. Supervision may be provided in French or in English as all therapists are fluent in both languages.


The exact schedule of the placement may vary depending on the program or service. However, hours of operation are usually from 9 AM to 17 PM.


The students should wear clothes that reflect professionalism and maturity. They are allowed more informal clothing in child psychiatry, but after they have discussed it with their supervisor.

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