Medical Day Hospital

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday, and statutory holidays: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

How to reach us

514 340-8222, ext. 25056

Where to find us

Pavilion K, Floor S1 Room 101

  • Enter from the Pavilion K entrance (5767 Rue Légaré)
  • Continue straight 
  • The Medical Day Hospital will be on your left



Welcome to the Medical Day Hospital (MDH), the premier destination for specialized outpatient medical treatment. 

Our mission is to provide exceptional nursing experiences and promote the well-being of our patients and the community we serve. We offer specific care and treatments to eligible patients in an ambulatory setting as an alternative to the emergency department and/or hospitalization for patients referred. We also contribute to the patient’s trajectory of care to ensure good patient flow throughout the CIUSSS.  

Our experienced staff collaborate closely with various specialists to ensure comprehensive and personalized care for each patient. Our team consists of highly trained nurse clinicians who are passionate about providing exceptional nursing care. We adopt a patient-centered approach, focusing on holistic care that addresses both the physical and emotional needs of our patients. 


We offer a wide range of outpatient services to patients referred by their physicians or nurse practitioners. We offer treatments in a safe outpatient environment.

Some therapies offered include:

  • IVIG, vaccines, IV antibiotics, blood products, IV medications, hydration, etc. 
  • Outpatient Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) and wound care
  • Care for some minor procedures


Medical Director
Dr. Carmela Pepe

Associate Nursing Director
Vasiliki Bessy Bitzas

Clinical Administrative Coordinator
Sophie-Line Kettenbeil

Head Nurse
Jessica Pinto

Assistant Head Nurse
Irina Butoainu

Nurse Clinicians
Marie-Danielle Graville
Monique Van Ockenburg
Yolanta Kicinska
Marie-Graitha Personna
Andrea Olney
Shella-Lynn Bolano
Niruja Ganeshalingam

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