Occupational Therapy - Physical Medicine

"When daily living becomes a challenge" (CAOT). 

Opening hours 

Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

How to reach us 

Telephone: (514) 340-8222 ext. 28289
Fax: (514) 340-8027

Where to find us 

Pavilion D, Room D-0002 (level S1)

  • Enter from the Légaré entrance (5757 Rue Légaré)
  • Walk down the hallway to Pavilion D
  • Follow the room numbers to D-0002

About us

Occupational therapists are health care professionals who help individuals challenged by accident, handicap or disease. These challenges can significantly impact their ability to lead productive and autonomous lives. When independent living is compromised the occupational therapist plays a major role in helping patients overcome these limitations.


Inpatient Services

Assessment, treatment and consultation are provided for patients who are referred to occupational therapy. A signed referral is required for an occupational therapist.

What we do

  • Functional Evaluations (feeding, grooming, bathing, dressing, toileting, domestic tasks, functional mobility)
  • Screening of cognitive functioning and its impact on independent and safe living
  • Provision of and/or recommendations for assistive devices or adapted equipment to maximize independent functioning
  • Teaching of compensatory techniques and energy conservation techniques when appropriate to maximize autonomy
  • Positioning for prevention of contractures, skin integrity and optimizing self-care performance
  • Fabrication of orthoses (upper extremity only) for in-patients
  • Evaluate need for manual or motorized wheelchair (or specialized seating)

Outpatient Services:

Outpatient services are available for oncology patients, as well as patients referred though the SARCA program. A signed referral can be sent to the occupational therapy department. 


Orthotic services are offered in collaboration with the Constance Lethbridge Rehabilitation Center.  A signed referral is required for the prescription of upper extremity orthotic devices. The Constance Lethbridge Rehabilitation Center will provide appointments at their center, or at the hospital on organized clinic days. For more information please call the Constance Lethbridge Rehabilitation Center at (514) 487-1891


Debbie Kadoch

E-mail:  dkadoch@jgh.mcgill.ca

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