
Opening hours

24 hours, seven days/week

How to reach us


514-340-8222 ext. 25011

Doctors' office

514-340-8222 ext. 25568

Where to find us

  • Enter from the Emergency entrance (5777 Rue Légaré)


  • Make your way to Pavilion K
  • Remain on the Main Floor (RC)
  • Take the Pavilion K elevators to S2

Fees for medical services

For more details about fees for medical services, please consult this page.


Successful delivery of high-quality care at the JGH Emergency Department depends upon the cooperation and coordination of a multidisciplinary team of individuals and support from the administration, medical and nursing leadership as well as from the medical and technical departments.

Staff work side-by-side as a specialized team to provide efficient, high-quality patient care while remaining at the forefront of academic Emergency Medicine.


Dr. Marc Afilalo

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