Who does the division serve?
- Children aged 3–12, and their families
- People from the Greater Montreal area, Laval and the Montérégie
- Every Jewish family residing in Montreal can request services
- The Day/Evening Hospital services accept children from all over the Greater Montreal area
Our multicultural, multilingual team also provides culturally sensitive care for children and families from many ethnic backgrounds, including visible minorities as well as the Orthodox Jewish community. We are well aware that cultural sensitivity is crucial in the domain of mental health services.
- Many children and families from outside areas are served in our programs, if appropriate services are not available in their area
- Children from public school boards as well as children attending Jewish day schools and other independent schools in and around Montreal
- The division consults with Batshaw Youth and Family Centres, Jewish Family Services, and CSSSs
- Referrals can be made directly by parents and primary care givers
The Outpatient Service provides comprehensive psychological, psychosocial and psycho-pharmacological evaluations to children and their families. Where possible, referrals are made back to the community.
The Day/Evening Hospital provides a unique, multimodal treatment program for children aged 3-12. Children who are unable to function in their communities and schools are admitted to these programs because of serious psychological, cognitive, behavioural, and family problems. These children and their families are provided with a comprehensive treatment program which includes medication, evaluation, individual and family therapy, social skills training, educational services, neuropsychological assessment, art therapy and occupational therapy. The hospital works in partnership with families as they are an integral part of treatment planning and implementation. The division staff often act as advocates for parents in seeking additional services for their children and for themselves. Hospital staff maintain a close working liaison with community schools (both public and private), in order to ensure that the children admitted to the Day/Evening Hospital remain or are reintegrated back into their schools as quickly as possible. The division also provides consultation/liaison services to schools, CSSSs and Youth Protection services. A follow-up services team also provides post-discharge care.
How many children does the division serve?
- In any given year, 350-400 referrals are made to the Division of Child Psychiatry; of these, 250-300 cases are assessed for treatment
- The Day/Evening Hospital has 80 spaces:
- 28 in the Early Childhood Disorders day hospital for children aged 3-6
- 28 in the latency day hospital program for children aged 7-12
- 24 in the Evening hospital program for children aged 6-12
- Average length of treatment is 6 to 12 months
- In a year, the Day/Evening Hospital serves over 200 children and their families in special programs and over 200 are evaluated by our Outpatient service
- Waiting lists for all programs may vary according to service demands
- Priority triaging is in place for more acute problems
Unique features of the programs
- Child-centered, family-focused philosophy and treatment
- Comprehensive, interdisciplinary evaluations
- Multimodal treatment (psychiatric, psychological, occupational therapy, social skills training.
- Innovative approaches such as multiple family group therapy, parenting groups, cognitive behaviour therapy groups and art therapy)
- Few re-referrals as a result of early intervention with high-risk children and families
- Serves the Anglophone, Allophone, and Jewish communities
- Emphasis on collaborative approach with families, schools, referring sources and Social Services