Premature Babies

Disclaimer: This information should not be considered as medical advice. It is not to be used in place of a visit with a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional. If you have questions about your individual medical situation, please consult with your healthcare professional.

JGH Resources

JGH Neonatology -  Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

 Welcome to the Jewish General Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Information for parents of premature infants 

Care pathways Parent's Guide:  Baby's pathway home

Helping Siblings Adjust:  The adaptation of siblings in neonatology


*Please be advised that care given at the JGH may differ from what is described on the web pages below.


 Prematurity -Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development - Initiative of Université Laval and Université de Montréal

 Premature Babies - Naître et grandir

Préma-Québec - For Parents of Preemies

 Premature Babies Learning Hub - The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto

     Education Resources - Canadian Premature Babies Foundation

     Preterm Labour  - The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada

     Resources for Parents - Multiple Births Canada

    United States

     Caring for a Premature Baby - (American Academy of Pediatrics)

     Premature Babies - MedlinePlus

     Breastfeeding Premature Babies -La Leche League International


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