Intensive Care

Disclaimer: This information should not be considered as medical advice. It is not to be used in place of a visit with a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional. If you have questions about your individual medical situation, please consult with your healthcare professional.

JGH Resources

 Intentive Care  Unit

*Please be advised that care given at the JGH may differ from what is described on the web pages below.


 The Role of the ICU - What to Expect - Canadian Critical Care Society

 Advance Medical Directives -Governement of Québec

 Advance Medical Directives - Educaloi

 Loss of Autonomy - Educaloi

 My Speak Up Plan - Advance Care Planning Canada

Ottawa Hospital

United States

 About Critical Care - Society of Critical Care Medicine

 Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) - UpToDate

 ICU Steps - intensive care patient support charity



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