Disclaimer: This information should not be considered as medical advice. It is not to be used in place of a visit with a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional. If you have questions about your individual medical situation, please consult with your healthcare professional. |
Make the most of your doctor’s appointment - Montreal Children's Hospital (MUHC)
Preparing for a Medical Appointment - L'Appui (caregiver)
Making the Most of Your Appointment - HealthLinkBC
Making the Most of Your Appointment - MyHealth.Alberta.ca
Talking with Your Doctor - MedlinePlus (US National Library of Medicine)
How to Prepare for a Doctor's Appointment - US National Institute for Aging
Getting the Most out of your Doctor Appointment - FamilyDoctor.org (American Academy of Family Physicians)
Preparing Your Child for Visits to the Doctor (KidsHealth)
Getting the Most from a Doctor's Visit-For Parents (KidsHealth)