Québec Network on Nursing Intervention Research (RRISIQ)
RRISIQ brings together researchers from faculties and schools of nursing from seven different Quebec universities as well as clinicians and policy makers. The mission of RRISIQ is to stimulate and support the development and application of knowledge to improve health and health care by integrating three domains of research in nursing (clinical interventions, organization of nursing services and education). Objectives are to develop and conduct studies that examine the efficacy of interventions to promote the health of patients and/or enhance nursing care delivery; to promote the development of the next generation of researchers; to optimize the use of resources by creating platforms to support research and increase the competitiveness and success of grant applications; to foster development and networking nationally and internationally, and to promote the exchange and application of knowledge to maximize the impact of research findings.
The McGill Educational Initiative on Interprofessional Collaboration: Partnerships for Patient and Family-Centered Practice is a $1.3 million Health Canada-funded project that began in 2005 with the purpose of developing interprofessional education and interprofessional practice. With direct and active participation from McGill University, the McGill University Health Centre, and the Jewish General Hospital, the project brings together academics, administrators, clinicians, and students to develop qualities necessary to work with other health care professionals in a dynamic manner both in the clinical environment as well as the classroom. At McGill, the schools of Medicine, Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapy, and Educational Psychology are involved in all facets of this interprofessional project.