1) Oacis mobile application
Oacis, an electronic medical record that provides access to all electronic patient information is now available at your fingertips. Up-to-date patient data, including history of treatment, can be accessed by clinical staff on your iPhone and iPad with Oacis Mobilité - Dossier Clinique Mobilité DCM. With Oacis already accessible via computer terminals, this application was conceived to provide mobile access within the Jewish General of important medical data that will further enhance patient care.
2) Who can access the application?
Physicians, residents, nurses, allied health professionals, and other staff members who require access to patients' medical records.
3) What type of device do I need to get the application?
Oacis Mobilité DCM is iPhone and iPad compatible. To download it, you must have one of these Apple products. It cannot be downloaded on an Android device.
4) How do I get the OacisMobilité DCM application?
The application is only available to staff who are users of Oacis. Clinical staff who have access to Oacis must complete an online request form at jgh.ca/dcm-en Within two-hours of your request (during regular business hours),access will be granted, instructions will be sent to you via email and theOacisMobilité DCM application will appear on your device.
If you are a clinician and do not yet have access to Oascis, please visit jgh.ca/oacis or call 514-340-8222, extension 7676.
5) Where will the application work?
Oacis Mobilité DCM will only function on the JGH Wifi network within the hospital.
6) Is this application secure?
Your Oacis account is password protected. To access OacisMobilité DCM, you will be asked to enter your login information. Following a predetermined time of inactivity you will be prompted to re-enter your password. It is the obligation of staff members with access to patient files to act in a professional and confidential manner. Patient information must be kept confidential at all times. For any questions, please contact the IT Department at 514-340-8222, extension 7676.